Prolific GH, the organizers behind the Western Gospel Awards, have commenced the nomination process for the highly anticipated third edition of their prestigious award ceremony. This initiative aims to acknowledge and honor talented individuals who are actively spreading the...
Takoradi-based gospel musician, EFUA BLACK, embarked on a transformative journey to the Sekondi Female Prison. Despite the rain, she and her team, including musicians Yvonne Menz, Lady Joy, Mabel Love, and Pastor Kojo Quarm, persevered to bring hope, support,...
Takoradi-based gospel musician Efua Black is on a mission to spread hope and support. Following her successful HOLY GHOST Concert last month, Efua Black is continuing her journey by visiting the Sekondi Female Prison. On Saturday, June 24th, 2023,...
Spirit-filled Ghanaian Gospel Singer, SK Frimpong, is gearing up to host his highly anticipated annual event, DYNAMIC PRAISE, once again. This event has been an incredible success since its inception in 2017 and has quickly become one of the...
Takoradi's renowned gospel musician, Mabel Love, has once again captivated hearts and souls with the release of her highly anticipated single, aptly titled "Faithful." This beautiful composition has already begun making waves within the gospel music scene, leaving fans...